Note: High sensitivity means hihher instability,
tip: gradually, increase or adjust sensitivity according to your game style and device. iphone sensitivity doesn’t work on android becuase of screen size.
Surpise: simply copy paste not works.. its based on device and player fingers and aggressiveness.
When adjut sensitivity in Baattle groud MObile game?
When screen not respoding or less movment of character while using fingers.
- Camera Sensitivity (free look): how fast the character sees & moves when looking around without aiming down sights.
- Camera Sensitivity: how quickly camera moves when Scope open.
- ADS (Aim Down Sight) Sensitivity: how fast the crosshair moves when firing.
- Gyroscope Sensitivity: Adjusts the sensitivity of the gyroscope, which allows the player to control aim and camera movement by physically moving the device.
- ADS Gyroscope Sensitivity: turns on gyroscope while shooting.. first use ads gyroscope then try full gyroscore..
Diffrenence between camera sensitivity and ADS and free look general sensitivity?
BGMI Mobile ADS Sensitivity
ADS Means AIM Down Size while scope open, if you are firing while scope goes up then you have to adjust while downpushing with finger for that you need optimal sensitivity.
upto 3x scope ok, 4x little bit practice needed.
Should i turn gyroscope on or off for bgmi?
gyroscope on scope mode
it helps you to control the recoil by titling downing the mobile which is most useful for me.. it also helps you. My TDM game play improve with 20+ kills in every match. My bgmi user name: RaazkumarCom
gyroscope on alway mode: shaky shaky
unless you are practiced, it is shaky you may turn off gyroscope because of shaky problem.
gyroscope always on may helps in character movment but confuses you. for that turn on gyroscope in scope mode then later try full mode. which is also useful in combat mode. while changing character camera view without swiping with finger you may quickly turn the phone.. useful act as 3 layers of skills.
Practice sensitivity in training mode & TDM
while adjusting sensitiy go training mode and shoot adjust sensitivity and then practice on TDM. it helps you in becoming better player like me.
BGMI Mobile General Sensitivity *Importoant)
Useful in close combat, characters turns fast for schooting behind the enemy, if enemy has low sensitiy there is a delay for swiping meanwhile we can kill him, with one swipe. very useful.
Camera Sensitivity in BGMI
tip: first test then adjust and practice
- TPP No Scope: 115% – 120%
- FPP No Scope: 100% – 112%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 50% – 60%
- 2X Scope: 33% – 38%
- 3X Scope, Win94: 25% – 30%
- 4X Scope, VSS: 15% – 19%
- 6X Scope: 10% – 15%
ADS Sensitivity in BGMI:
if you disable ADS settings. it copies the camera sensitivity setting, which won’t work. for that you need seperate settings.
- TPP No Scope: 115% – 120%
- FPP No Scope: 100% – 112%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 55% – 60%
- 2X Scope: 33% – 38%
- 3X Scope, Win94: 25% – 30%
- 4X Scope, VSS: 15% – 19%
- 6X Scope: 10% – 15%
BGMI Gyroscope Settings for Always On Mode:
Note: it wpn’t works for everyone. gyroscope needed in adanced level, first practice oo no gyroscooe.
- TPP No Scope: 245% – 255%
- FPP No Scope: 230% – 240%
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 245% – 250%
- 2X Scope: 210% – 215%
- 3X Scope, Win94: 175% – 180%
- 4X Scope, VSS: 150% – 155%
- 6X Scope: 85% – 90%
- 8X Scope: 60% – 65%
ADS Gyroscope Sensitivity (Always On):
NOTE: ADS sensitiitivity has to same on alway and scope mode.
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 245% – 250%
- 2X Scope: 210% – 215%
- 3X Scope, Win94: 175% – 180%
- 4X Scope, VSS: 150% – 155%
- 6X Scope: 85% – 90%
- 8X Scope: 60% – 65%
Gyroscope Settings (Scope On Mode):
- Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 245% – 250%
- 2X Scope: 210% – 215%
- 3X Scope, Win94: 175% – 180%
- 4X Scope, VSS: 150% – 155%
- 6X Scope: 85% – 90%
- 8X Scope: 60% – 65%
BGMI no recoil sensitivity settings codes
- 7307-1085-6780-4282-435.
- 7238-4245-4286-7096-036.
Non Gyroscope Android Sensitivity Setting for BGMI is as mentioned below.
- 6983-8762-7023-5848-120

Hi, am Raazkumar (rajuginne). passionate writer since 2012, here i am sharing my personal views.. bikes, cars. gadget, counsmer apliance and other etc.