I perosnally choose Smooth graphics with high fps or minimum 60 fps game play for lag free experience.
check your device display settings then incresase fps there like 90hz reresh rate. these days 256hz refesh rates phones there but bgmi only supports upto 90 fps as of 2024.
Picture quality
- smooth
- balanced
- HD
- HDR Full Hd
- Ultra HD 2k
- UHD lets say its 4k
BGMI Max FPS Supported as of aug 2024
i have 120hz asus rog 2 ,
android phone >> display >> refersh rate 60/90/120
i switeched 120, opened bgmi and there is a fps monitor tool called game engine.
bhgmi graphic settings extreme+
entered the game getting 90 fps only.
enemy playing at 90 fps you at 60 fps
your opponenet has higher advanage he can see 1.5x extra images in a second. so more chances you get killed.
120 fps phone but 90 fps bgmi
bgmi only supports upto 90 fps, if your phone has higher capacity, then you may switch to 90hz for battery saving.
Higher picture quality & More fps
there should be a balance between, higher quality graphics and images.
its just like running with 50 kg weight vs 100kg weight
with limited cpu resources either speed or picture weiught should be compromised. check device heat , battery discharge rate and lagging game play.
Best FPS for bgmi game settings
Higher is better, but minimum ‘Extreme (60) FPS.
90 FPS good smooth game play while combating. but your device may heatup, check max refresh rate of your device.
Frame per second FPS (Hihger fps smooth game play)
FPS and your device Frame rate and
grahic style
realistic or colorful no impact on performance.
Battery discharge rate
More quality and More speed fast battery discahge high CPU Usage. may lag the game if low end mobile.
RAM should at least 6gb Ram these days.
anti-aliasing feature in bgnmi
Its good to have but low end device it cost resoruces and lags.
anti-aliasing to enhance the visual quality
Fix lagging and enjoy game play
freind request me on battle groud india RaazKumarCom. i am mid level player with royalpass. gud with squad.

Hi, am Raazkumar (rajuginne). passionate writer since 2012, here i am sharing my personal views.. bikes, cars. gadget, counsmer apliance and other etc.