Real BixiOP Best Training Drills | BGMI Hindi
- Head shot fire with Different movments Jump shot, crouch, drop shot, jiggle (my thought: its just for practicing no skill improve)
- AIM Shift practice
Drill 2: Used ADS headshot from 20M distance
Drill 3: Longrange
at shooting training long range 180Meters Traget health 300, movment 0
Use continous spary for perfect scoping Down the enemy for long range shorts
Drill 4: trace & shoot close to mid range
Settings: Movment speed half or 150, Health 300, distance : 4 tragets with 20,40,60 90 meters
trace & shoot targets with all scopes.
Drill 5 : CLose range
Settings: 20Meter, health 300, helmet level 3, Movment speed 130
trace enemy head while standing
trace enemmy head while jiggling
FIre enemy head while jiggling
and play 2 TDM for hand grip and pracric in Classic.
Drill 6 : shift firing on enemy heads
Drill 7: peak fire
Drill 8: crouch & fire
Missed Jump & fire , Drop shot
He practive 20 Mins daily for years..
Vehicle spray
Xifan (china) Pubg Mobile youtber chineese drills
Top 5 Chinese Training Drills That Improve Aim and Reflex
AIM transfer + reflex
Place 3x or 4x Scope, and select Gunshot hard traing Mode. Go & crouch roatate camera spot & shoot enemies. use s0unds.
once you accurate you can walk and fire crouch and fire.
AIM tracing Practice (useful on vehicle)
standard training settings rouds max (5)
Distance: 20-180Meters
Health 100
Movment speed: max
1st 3 targets use red dot 20,60,90Meters
Use 3x or 4x for last 4 tragets
make Taget down with frist 10 bullets.
focuses on cross hair placment (it doesnt mater speed)
Crouch & Peak (used vehicle as cover )
Lean Peak: pre AIM just let side becuase afer peak it moves right
Body Peak