Know the pubg mobile rank list to push pubg rank to ace or conqueror easily. get the season tier rewards with easily by pushing rank list in pubg mobile by playing solo, duo or different map & different server in pubg mobile. if don’t know how the pubg ranking system works then it’s harders to push rank. once you know the pubg mobile ranking system you may always drop at georgepoo, buildings instead of containers.
Pubg Mobile & PC Ranking Tier Points list
- Bronze (1200-1700 maybe) (Pubg Bronze rank list you get only bot upto 10 kills in every match)
- Silver (1700 -2200)
- Gold (2200 to 2700)
- Platinum (2700 to 3199) – (you meet newbies those KD around 1 , they don’t; care about pubg rank list)
- Diamond (3200 to (4th 3300, 3rd, 3400, 2nd 3500, 1st 3600)
- Crown ( 5th 3700, 4th tier 3800, 3rd 3900, 2nd 4000, 1st 4100)
- Ace (Starts from 4200 RP Points (when decrease fall back to Crown 3 times protection)
- Ace Master: 4701–5200 points 1 2 3
- Conqueror (only top 500 allowed per server check their starting Rating points in (Squad, Duos, solo in TPP or FPP ) thumb 6000 points ace 22 stars

Pubg ranking system points Detailed with every tier
pubg Rank list | Pubg & Pubg Mobile | Pubg Lite & Pubg Mobile Lite |
Bronze V | 1200 | 1200 |
Bronze IV | 1300 | 1300 |
Bronze III | 1400 | 1400 |
Bronze II | 1500 | 1500 |
Bronze I | 1600 | 1600 |
Silver V 5 | 1700 | 1700 |
Silver IV | 1800 | 1800 |
Silver III | 1900 | 1900 |
Silver II | 2000 | 2000 |
Silver I | 2100 | 2100 |
Gold V 5 (Free Season Outfit) | 2200 | 2200 |
Gold IV | 2300 | 2300 |
Gold III | 2400 | 2400 |
Gold II | 2500 | 2500 |
Gold I | 2600 | 2600 |
Platinum V 5 | 2700 | 2700 |
Platinum IV | 2800 | 2800 |
Platinum III | 2900 | 2900 |
Platinum II | 3000 | 3000 |
Platinum I | 3100 | 3100 |
Diamond V 5 (Free Season Gun Skin) | 3200 | 3200 |
Diamond IV | 3300 | 3300 |
Diamond III | 3400 | 3400 |
Diamond II | 3500 | 3500 |
Diamond I | 3600 | 3600 |
Crown V | 3700 | 3700 |
Crown IV | 3800 | 3800 |
Crown III | 3900 | 3900 |
Crown II | 4000 | 4000 |
Crown I | 4100 | 4100 |
Ace (Parachute) | 4200 | 4200 |
Ace 1 star | 4300 | Not yet |
Ace 10 Star | 5300 | |
Conqueror | Top 500 Players in Serer (6000-10000 points*) | |

How pubg ranking system works – calculation?
How many points required to reach conqueror rank in pubg mobile?
Pubg to push rank tips – Best at season ending or start
- Too late
- Near enemies
- too far from Loot Places
- Learn Parachuting First (highest speed 234 Km/hour. highest distance 1800 + maybe I’ ll write a detailed article)
- Pay attention to Bluezone Interval time (early gaming really not aware of blue zone interval time that displays on a mobile screen)
- Once Again (Don’t confuse with teammates if they not sync with you.) I completely avoided playing solo vs squad in TPP mode.
- Obviously, we need to Avoid Hot drop Places like George pool, Novo, school, Pochinki (but the game gets bored) or play safe rather than hungry for the kill.
- Avoid aggressiveness until 1st circle completes 5 minutes (50+ players die with this time)
Improving Reaction Time with 2 Thumbs vs paw Claw Vs Joystick vs trigger
How see Pubg Mobile conqueror list & Points in every season?
Pubg mobile Season Rewards by Rank list Gold, Ace, diamond tier
Bonus how to get RP 100 Fast not related to pub rank tiers ?
If You buy at Royale pass It could take till The End of The Season To get your Season’s Outfit.
However If you want to Purchase Royal pass & Ranking Points You can get Instantly same at Starting of the Season.
The Royal pass Price Approximately $10 500-600 INR. You will get Gun’ Skin Color various Outfits.
For Purchasing RP Points Ex: for 100 RP Points (Increase your RP Level 1) This Costs $2 or 100 INR each.
How The pubg Royal Pass Missions Works?
Daily Missions: expires in 3 days Total Points you get 100 RP Points which equal 1 RP level.
Weekly missions
Free Missions: Weekly 3
Premium Missions: Weekly 4 Additional
If you buy Royal Pass: Weekly 7 RP Levels
3 Months for Seasons: daily 1 Mission equal to RP Level 90 and Daily Missions 100 Points for 3 days .
You may get quickly based on Bonus RP Points some calculations change.
Bonus TIPs Complete R0yal pass Missions quickly (which I tried)
Not affecting the Current ranking Tier:
- Jumping On school if you are playing on Squad Then Switch to Solo Jump School. Exit One mission completed.
- Jumping on EI Pozo
- Query
- Kill 10 enemies in a single match. Play solo vs Squad in Japan Server (then your Tier will be Sliver Kill the Bots).
- Killing with Grenades maybe tough based on situation
- Killing 20 enemies M416, AKM,M416, Kar98k Other Missions
- kill 20 enemies in sahmee with akm, paradise, san martin etc
Faqs on pubg mobile rank list
what my rank if i.cross ace star 4 in PUBG?
you may get ACE Star 5, Because only top 500 player allowed to be a conqueror in regional pubg server.
is pubg mobile high ping jio prepaid affect rank list?
Jio network signal bandwidth charges based on signal strength. you cannot lock it. until a rooted device. airtel also same problem
best solution is: pick a place where signal strength is high, or buy a signal booster for mobile network. costs around 2000 INR from amazon.
does my ranking tier increase in duo in pubg?
Yes and NO, if you are playing squad it will not increase in duo rank. if you want to get ACE or conqueror title, you have to play and increase in duo only, you can also play duo vs solo incase if you want to push a rank. don’t blame random players.
what’s the next rank list After gold tier in pubg?
After gold 1, you go diamond, if you reach diamond and play 5 matchers in diamond tier, you will get free gun skin for that season.
its easy to get diamond tier at end another season/
how to reach ace tier pubg mobile?
if your KD Ratio 4 average, you will be ACE Player at the end of the season. if you want to push rank then you don’t have any other world to recreation.
my suggestion don’t’ go for ACE stick my diamond tier, if you have friends then it will be easy as diamond to get ace tier rank.
How pubg Ranking lists or Points are calculated in every Match?
major factor its based on Survival Time & damage to the enemies and third factor restoring health. beware pubg negative rank list. Once you died early you lose ranks quickly. this ways pubg ranking system works inorder keep merit players in the top list. you must have knowledge pung ranking list and each pints in every match either its negative or positive to your rank push.
Why Pubg mobile Rank list Dropped / reset to Gold to Platinum at new season?
According pubg mobile ranking system, Players ranking tier downgrades every season, so they can play again avery well, and keep their skills upto date, generally Pubg ACE, Conquerors tiers rests to Platinum, diamond and crown rank list downgraded to gold tier.
PUBG Settings for Mobile, PC, Xbox Game Pad
pubg mobile tips and tricks beginner to Advanced
PUBG Guns Guide (Damage, Range, Speed) Snipers, AR, SMG, Short guns etc
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